July 29, 2010

Freedom Festival

Over the past few years I have grown to enjoy Provo's 4th of July Traditions. They have a Hot Air Balloon Launch that we can see from our front yard, and they have a Parade that we can comfortably walk to. They also have great Fire Works. It is nice to live in a location where other people have to drive and then park in front of our house and then walk, but we can just sit outside or walk a little ways.
The kids pointing out their favorite balloons. Smokey the Bear is always a favorite.
The giant balloons are the most memorable at the Parade.

The kids love when they spin around really fast. This Blue Jet reminded me of an air show we watched in Oklahoma while waiting to go to the airport.
Tommy after the parade. We wore him out.


  1. that looks like lots of fun. i love parades.

  2. Your Provo home is terrific for several reasons, not the least of which is its great location. I remember that Oklahoma airshow. We talked about it the other day when the Blue Angels came to Idaho Falls. Really big event in these parts, including a massive traffic jam near the IF airport. (We weren't involved. We saw fringes from our spot at Rainbow Lake.)
