September 18, 2011

Finally A Master

After two very long years, Ganon has officially graduated with his Master in Business Administration from BYU!! We just received his actual diploma making it officially official. Ganon did an amazing job of balancing a full-time job, difficult church assignments, long nights in class, group projects, endless case studies, and a growing family. We are very proud of Ganon and his many accomplishments. Congrats!
His happy fan club.

Walking to his seat with his Diploma Cover. He got to sit on the front row so we didn't have to wait FOREVER for his turn.
Showing off the yummy leis the kiddos gave him.


  1. Gramma and I know a little bit about the agony and efforts required to earn a Masters Degree. But that was in the relatively easy-wheezy discipline of Communications. Ganon got an MBA! Wow! And we hear he's now studying for the CPA exam. We're super proud of him.

  2. Let me add my voice to the congratulations! An MBA earned while working F/T and keeping up with all his responsibilities is a truly great accomplishment!

    Aunt Cath

  3. i'm so happy for you guys. good job bro! by the way, that is a good picture of you at the end with the leis.
