November 30, 2018

11/30/18 Papa Sealing and Ward Christmas Party

This morning was a very special day in the temple. My father John Connelly was sealed for time and all eternity to his parents, John Connelly and Velvia Mae James. My father's half-brother James Houston Baker, who died when he was only 3, was sealed to his parents Velvia Mae James and Beryl Houston Baker. It was a special time. I got to be the proxy for Dad's dad and Mom got to stand in for his mother.

This evening was the Ward Christmas Party. They asked me to lead the singing during the hayride. It was a little chilly but we had a good time.

We also got to be involved in setting up the projector and sound system for the video presentation. It is quite an adorable video of the Primary children (including two Connelly kids) telling us about the meaning of Christmas. Here is a link in case you'd like to smile.

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