March 31, 2019

3/31/19 Weekly Planning

All these magical activities don't happen by accident. They have to be planned. Heidi is an important part of making planning a success. Here she is updating our whiteboard calendar.

March 30, 2019

3/30/19 Super Busy Day

Heidi and TJ went to Stake Cub Day Camp.

Peter, Sarah, TJ, Joseph and I went to a family preschool event for Peter.

They talked about nutrition and gave us a healthy snack.

They talked about reading and gave us a couple of books.

David and I went to the Mesa High service project.

After this activity, David went with Anthony to an EFY type inspiring youth program.

Rebecca, Sarah, and Joseph went me to hike the Mormon Loop trail. We were joined by Abram Ellsworth and his kids, Amalie, Maggie and Dallin.

Along the way, we had to pass through a place called "Fat Man's Pass".

March 29, 2019

3/29/19 Paul Champion Fuji, Temple, Training and Pool

Paul Champion knows how to sniff out a deal. He found a great Fuji mirrorless camera at a pawn shop for $25. He let me buy it from him for the school program.

This is me testing it out on my breakfast at the Heritage teacher training.

The kids were happy to help me test it out at the pool.

It has a great long lens on it.

We went to the temple a little later in the day today.

We dropped off the Prius with a renter at the airport.

March 28, 2019

3/28/19 Peter Preschool

March 27, 2019

3/27/19 Prius Needs a Bath and David Plays Ball

Prius came back from a rental needing a wash.

David went to the Stake Young Men run basketball training activity in spite of large reservations. We are proud of him for doing hard things.

March 26, 2019

3/26/19 To The Park and TJ Wolfs It Down

Heidi fixes Gram and Papa's ceiling fan.

TJ really had to work to earn his Wolf award. We are proud of his achievement.

The Bears had to fight a bear in a tent to earn their award. Their dads got to go into the tent with them to help. There were shoes and socks that went flying and some pretty loud roaring. It was pretty great. The boys seemed to love it.