March 23, 2019

3/23/19 Massacre Grounds Trail, 3D Print and Kaleb Baptism

David's first 3d print came with some hard earned lessons. He'll have to tell you what some of them were. He printed a "Rapid Rubber Band Dispenser". Hey, even toy guns are not allowed at his school. I know there were many challenges including that the pieces wouldn't connect right and that a drill was involved. Also, rubber bands kept getting stuck. The thing that I am most proud of is that he kept at it, even though he felt very discouraged. Bravery, in the face of failure, leads to success.

Today, Rebecca and I joined Matt, Caleb Hinton, Abram Ellsworth, and his daughters Maggie and Amalie on a hike called the Massacre Grounds Trail. There is a story that gold miners were pinned down by Native Americans and killed and their gold taken. The location of the mine is still a mystery.

The trail ends at a waterfall.

Caleb rests on a rock. He and I had a great visit. I learned about his programming job and his side gig as an Internet Service Provider.

Matt, Rebecca, and Maggie climbed up to a high rock.

I joined them and saw the view.

Beautiful flowers are in bloom all along the trail.

Kaleb Haws was baptized today. Papa and I got to stand in the circle for his confirmation. I love this kid. He reminds me of Joseph in that he is his own person and not afraid to lead the way.

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