Over the past few months Ganon has been lamenting our lack of a piano. While neither of us are concert pianists, we both like to practice on occasion. We had decided to try using a piano keyboard instead, but we were worried about the kids around such an electronic/ expensive piece. Somehow, Heavenly Father always knows the righteous desires of our hearts and makes a way for some of them happen. One of my good friends was given a piano, but it didn't fit into her new house. She lovingly offered it to us. With a little bit of coordinating and a lot of strength from friends we moved it to our house. Now I have a perfect place to set up my nativity scene (generously left in the house when we moved in). The piano is definitely the best Christmas gift I've ever given Ganon-- he is so happy. Another Reason to be Thankful.
As we celebrated Thanksgiving at home this weekend, Ganon helped me with some nesting issues. I wanted to rearrange some furniture and some rooms (this usually happens when I am 20 weeks pregnant). We set up a bunkbed in the girls' room. We made David's room the Play Room. The kids love it. David was so excited to have his train table back in the house (it's been in the garage since we moved in). Rebecca even joined in when she was feeling up to it (she has been sick which is why we stayed home for T-day). I am thankful that the children choose to play with each other in the Play Room instead of using the computer or making messes elsewhere. Our house already feels more peaceful and organized. I am thankful for Ganon's patience with me during this whole process-- working with an emotional pregnant woman cannot be easy.
I am also thankful for generous friends and family. One of Ganon's friends (the same who helped with moving the piano) gave us some coupons for free stuff from McDonald's. These have been a life-saver over the past few weeks. I was especially grateful for them at the end of our ward party last week. Ganon had class so I took the kids by myself. They ran out of peanut-free desserts while I was waiting in line. Of course right then David ran up and announced that he had eaten the required number of bites of scary-looking real food so he had earned his dessert. Thankfully, I was able to use my last coupons to get a dessert for my kiddos and make the night less of a tragedy. I know this doesn't sound like much, but for a pregnant mom with three sad children it was a gift from heaven. I know that Heavenly Father watches out for us. He knows what we are going through. He doesn't always make our trials (big or small) go away, but he can make them more bearable.