February 17, 2016

2/15/16 FHE at VDO

    Tonight our family responded to an invite to do another Family Home Evening  with Gram, Papa and Becca B at VDO. The VDO Park has a group of 10-15 retired folks who get together for FHE. About two years ago we came and sang some of the songs we used to sing when I was a kid. This time was the same only we added Peter and a couple more Ukuleles. Heidi and Rebecca have one now. Since Joseph's birthday was on Saturday, and Papaand Gram didn't get to come they bought a birthday cake for him. Joseph picked it out at Costco. You can see him roaring like a dinosaur in the picture. He's adorable. The evening seemed to go well. Several people thanked us for coming and I don't remember any of the kids crying and hiding under a table. They reported later that they were nervous but that they mostly had fun. Rebecca reported that she liked the Little Ducks song the most. In that song the kids get to go in and out of the room several times. Each time one fewer comes back until at the end Papa duck calls them and they all come back. The kids also reported liking playing prelude and postlude music on the piano and eatin cake. 

1 comment:

  1. Mom was impressed with Rebecca's sweet singing and I was super impressed by her closing prayer. When I asked her at the last minute she didn't hesitate to to say yes. We loved David's piano playing and baby wrangling in the hallway lovingly chasing Peter. When we were singing Who is This I looked over to TJ when it was his turn. He had his huge smile. Then there was Joseph when he got his bowl of ice cream and decided he'd make a break for the door. Mahalo to your family for coming
