Today I had the interesting opportunity to attend a seminar about the Constitution. It was held by the Principal of the school I teach at ( We learned about the principles the founders of our nation used in drafting that famous document. Many of the stories told were new to me and some of the principles were too. One such idea that was new to me was Adam Smith's formula for prosperity. It calls for four freedoms. The freedom to try, to buy, to sell and to fail. That last one is most interesting to me at the moment as it seems most unusual. It also seems relevant as I am grading a tough exam. The idea here seems to be if we don't allow people to fail we take away one of the strongest motivating forces that causes people to get out of bed and get to work. Which in turn could lead many more people to fail. Some of my students did do well on the exam despite its challenging level. It appears that, according to Adam Smith, it would be best to let my students keep the grades they earned as a motivator to encourage them to study harder for next time. The final results of the exam aren't in yet so I'll postpone that decision until then.
Today Rebecca went to a birthday party of a friend who is a twin. She and her mother used their talent for sewing to make a custom carrying bag for each of them out of some cute material. So wonderful to use our skills to bless others.
This evening we had the great blessing of attending the baptism of the Andalt family. They are a great young family that is joining our ward. They have three kids with ages around our kid's ages. The Spirit was strong as we listened to the talks. There were many people present from the ward to show support. What a special time.
Interesting that your seminar included Adam Smith an 18th century Scottish moral philosopher, pioneer of political economy, and a key figure in the Scottish Enlightenment. But he's someone a CPA should know about