Today Heidi was sustained in our ward. The other big news is that our stake boundaries are changing. Two wards from our stake are moving to another stake and we are getting two wards from another stake. Ward boundary changes are likely next but we are not sure when. These changes are part of the reason the Stake Primary Presidency had to be reorganized. Heidi said there were about 30 new callings related to the boundary change. Sadly I spent the day home in bed again. I would much rather have been there.
I spent the day resting. I watched some trig videos and I listened to a recording of the Priesthood lesson. It's not the same but at least I could learn some of the lesson. It was about the peace we can have if we trust God. Sometimes I feel like it shouldn't be so hard to relax and trust that Heavenly Father is in charge. He has always taken good care of me and yet it is all together too easy to let the little things worry me. It's time to recommit myself to trust in the Lord's way of getting things done.
Yea Heidi‼️You'll be great in that calling. GP Lesson 5 of Gospel Doctrine helps us to handle adversities