After many hours of work and weeks of planning the storage unit is empty.
Now there is time to hike the Y.
We got get our family photo at "turn 7". David reported back to Gram and Papa "nobody fell off the rock".
Joseph was a trooper. He hiked all the way up and down without being carried at all. That's pretty big for a kid his age. He even fell once and scraped his knee and still made it. Go Joseph.
Heidi made sure to get some 6 shots of the kids with the fall leaves in the background.
David at the last turn sign before the Y.
We made it. Sarah is wearing Gram's hat. That was how Papa suggested we carry Gram with us, in spirit to the top of the mountain.
Sarah found something interesting to look at.
Peter and I were hiking buddies.
Gotta love this gate at the foot of the trail. Another way to practice knowing that we can do hard things.
Our first look, as a family, at the finished Provo City Center Temple.
Very proud of this family,ALL SIX, working and encouraging each other, climbing the Y. Many years ago I hiked it and its' not an easy hike