Today we enjoyed three sessions of General Conference. One of our conference traditions is cinnamon rolls. Above you see TJ helping his mom make them from scratch for tomorrow's breakfast.
Sarah also pitched in her help.
Rebecca, ever the big helper also lent a hand. Joseph and Peter were there for quality assurance.
Joseph was sure to take a selfie along the way.
In addition to cinnamon rolls we also started trimming the palm tree in front of our house. Our ladder was too short so we borrowed one from the Mickelsons down the street. When we finally got to cutting I accidentally dropped a tree branch on Heidi and Papa's heads. I felt really badly about it. They were tough. Unfortunately the battery in our cutting tool died before we could finish so we'll have to come back to the task again later.
Another big task was collection day 2 of David's Eagle project. He gathered more than 20 more small appliances for refugees. He has now surpassed his goal of 70. We are proud of the hard work that he has been putting in.
Conference special rolls were delicious. Heidi and I were glad you didn't fall off that high ladder