I apologize that this is so badly out of focus, my camera seems to be struggling. Also this was the only wide shot I got of the Sunday evening get together we had at Amanda's house. She provided the pulled pork and the rest of the family brought the sides. We had quite a few members of Jon and Cathy's family. It was the first time in a while I've gotten to visit with Kevin. Kelly and family were all present. Michael brought his friend Abby. The younger kids all had fun running around together. Amanda gave the tour of her new abode.
This is the one clear focused picture that I got. Heidi is jealous of this neat place for kids to stow their backpacks.
All too soon it was time to say goodnight and head back to Mapleton for the night.
In many ways this reunion dinner was choice experience of the trip. Gramma and I touched to gather w many of our posterity