This morning Gram, Papa, Heidi and I went to the Temple to do initiatory work for the folks we did the baptisms for last week.
After we got back we took the kids to the park.
Sarah helped to steady Rebecca on her skates.
Talking about the route the kids were reminded of the kid's show Dora the Explorer. She would say "Park, pond, basketball court". Here is the playground.
Pond. Peter is scooting along.
Basketball Court. David loves this jumbo trike.
This evening Heidi and I went to pick up some gear for the High Priest's Social tonight. Joseph offered to come and help. He is a big helper. Here he is carrying several cables that we will be using.
The High Priest's Social was fun. We got to visit with several of the folks in the quorum. Heidi and I even got to play a couple of songs on the ukulele. They had Hawaiian haystacks which someone described as authentic Utah Hawaiian. It made us laugh. They did taste good.
As always a blessing to spend a moment in the temple. Mahalo. A highlight of a nice HP social was G&H sharing their ukulele skills