This morning Peter played his favorite marble maze game while the kids got ready for school. After the kids were all off it was time to catch up on things with J&M Media. We worked on a Thanksgiving meal plan and ran the generator. We also spent some time discussing future plans including the anticipated visit of the Reynolds clan.
This afternoon I took an online Continuing Professional Education (CPE) class on Access database basics. The class didn't feel very basic to me. I'll have to take another, perhaps more basic, one if I want to be able to build anything useful by myself.
This afternoon I went to the Inter-stake Center (ISC) to help trouble shoot the switcher. We spent an hour and a half on the phone with tech support. They are also stumped about what may be causing the problem. Kevin Rouse is going to send the thing back and see if they can find the problem and fix it.
This evening I went to my Entrepreneurship class. It's been surprising to me how beneficial the class has been. We're are none of us experts really but we all have some experience in different areas. It also helps having a good book as a resource and having goals that we are held accountable for.
It will be a treat to have the Reynolds family visit for a few days. They are anxious to come and plan to bring bathing suits��