November 5, 2017

11/3/17 Temple Baptism and Appliances in the Van

Today Gram, Papa, Becca B and Heidi and David and I went to the Temple to do Baptisms for the Dead. We had 8 women and 8 men to do work for.

In the afternoon David lead the charge to load the van with the appliances that were donated for his Eagle project.

His friend Rushton came to help even though he had a sore ankle.

David tallied 84 appliances and $145 donated. His goal was to gather 70 appliances at least. The cooker in the picture was the first appliance donated (by Grammie and Grandpa Mangum). Coincidentally, as David counted the appliances being loaded it was also the 70th appliance loaded, representing the official accomplishment of his goal. We are proud of David's hard work on this project.

1 comment:

  1. David's Eagle project is a well thought out effort to help less fortunate families that need these appliances. We applaud your choice of projects
