This morning Gram, Papa, and Heidi and I went to the Temple to do Initiatory. Papa and I finished the male names from our last Baptism trip. Gram and Heidi made a dent in the female set but there are more to go.
David kindly watched Peter and Joseph. Joseph threw up at school yesterday and I picked him up early. I feel a bit bad since he told me that he didn't feel well before he went to school. Still, he didn't have a fever and he hasn't gained a love for school just yet. I moved Peter to his bed after finding him in the above photo.
Also today, Heidi, Papa, Becca B and I went to see Star Wars: The Last Jedi. It was pretty awesome. I don't often get excited about movies anymore but I was about this one. It has a lot of interesting themes. One of my favorites is a quote from a new character, Rose. She says something to the effect of "We don't fight the things we hate, we save the things we love". Another great part (possible spoiler alert) is when Yoda teaches Luke that failure can be our greatest teacher.
Again grateful for assistance to attend the temple