This morning Joseph said that he felt like he was going to throw up. Although he did not have a fever we decided that he ended up being right last time and we should take his comments seriously. Joseph and I stayed home while everyone else went to church. He and I played with these cool blocks that the Roche family gave us for Christmas.
We also spent time reading scriptures and doing math on Khan Academy. Joseph finished the Kindergarten Mission! He seems to really be working hard and learning at school.
When the other kids got home they joined in on the block construction. The girls and TJ helped design a chapel interior. Notice the benches and the pulpit.
This evening was the Annual Voices of Christmas Concert. It was a six camera show and I had the opportunity to direct the camera crew. It was an essentially all-rookie crew with me and a couple of college kids who had experience. So if you are thinking of a crew whose past experience is a 4 camera stake conference, and not Music & the Spoken Word it came out pretty good. We had some audio issues and I'm sure I took some cameras that were not ready but overall it was a positive experience. One person said that it seems like I was born to do this. I really do love working live TV events. It was stressful and somehow enjoyable at the same time. I was glad that the crew and the Stake President seemed to feel that things turned out well.
Gram is very impressed w Joseph's intelligence, creativity and ability to think deeply. You apparently have been prepared for your tech roll in this complex stake