This morning Rebecca and Sarah and Becca B worked on painting the window decorations they got for Christmas.
Meanwhile, back at Coon Bluff, we survived the night. It was cold and the neighbors shared their music until after 2 am but we made it. The boys made camping pancakes, eggs and bacon. It was actually quite tasty. We also had hot chocolate, and other chocolate. We did not starve on this campout. After breakfast we hiked to the top of the bluff and took a look at the two bald eagles who live up there. Johnson was pretty sure that he did not want to go on a hike. Still, I was impressed that he went and made it all the way to the top. He had the option of staying down and resting. I hope that he felt it was worth the effort. It certainly was for me. In the van we listened to a Jon Bytheway talk that the Shirts family got for Christmas. Heavenly Father helped out with the timing. The talk ended just as we pulled over to drop of the first boy. It was a talk about remembering our Divine Nature.
It was kind of Heidi and the girls to invite B to join in the watercolor fun. B loved it