Today, Gram, Papa, Heidi and I continued our streak of Friday temple visits. We did endowments for family members today.
As a Mother's Day date, Heidi and I went to Ruby Tuesday. We were given a gift card for Christmas and finally had a chance to try it out. The food was good but a little pricey. Thank goodness for the gift card.
For science class, Sarah was tasked with coming up with an invention that would make people's lives easier. She thought of a way to change the way to adjust the height of the handlebars on her scooter. Little did Heidi and I know that she would also need to create her idea. Happily, Heavenly Father blessed us to have all the tools and parts required already on hand. This was especially true of the special bolt from an old bike trailer. Heidi felt inspired to keep it 2 years ago. As this project happened Heidi felt inspired about exactly where to look to find it again. This is surely a tithing blessing and an answer to prayer.
Proud of Sarah's useful invention beginning with her bright idea. The completion achieved with inspiration fromHeavenly Father and support from helpful parents