May 25, 2018

5/24/18 Last Day of School

This morning, Gram, Papa, Becca B, Grammie and Grandpa Mangum and Heidi and Peter and I went to Joseph's singing program.

Here he is with his class.

Isn't he so handsome? He had a speaking part which he said clearly so that people could understand. We are proud of the huge progress he made in school this year.

Heidi helped with carpool today. She even helped haul instruments for the band getting ready for graduation tonight.

To celebrate the end of school the kids voted to go swimming.

Sarah loved helping Peter practice his kicking. He is making progress at learning it.

Joseph loves his goggles.

I even got in for a while. Rebecca and I took turns diving for pool toys on the bottom of the pool.

Tonight David played Pomp and Circumstance, among other songs, for Heritage graduation. We are glad that he is such a big helper.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks to H&G for skillful planning and serious support we were able to find a good parking space and good seats to be able to watch our delightful JoJo and the kindergarten Spring Sing
