May 25, 2018

5/22/18 Busy Tuesday

This morning, Heidi and I helped Gram and Papa. First up was setting up Gram's new printer.

Heidi swung by the Inter-Stake Center to measure the windows for black-out curtains.

Heidi also went to see Lauren perform Peter Pan with her drama class.

Lauren played Smee, Hook's loyal first mate.

David also got to witness the performance.

Tonight was Pack Meeting and the Sping Sing.

TJ was awarded his Bobcat award. Way to go TJ! I wasn't feeling well so I had to stay home.
Also this evening, was the Spring Sing. Heidi and TJ left Pack Meeting early to make it to TJ's school performance. Gram, Papa, and David were already there saving seats. Heidi had to continue on to a Roundtable annual planning meeting. Gram and Papa reported that TJ did great.

1 comment:

  1. Big...some might say Gram very happy to get her own printer. She loves publishing her important docs. Attending TJs Spring Sing was well worth the effort. He's a very expressive singer and the program impressive
