July 13, 2018

7/13/18 Temple Sealings

Heavenly Father guided our trip to the Temple this morning. It started with some adversity, Gram had trouble sleeping. This, and some other things, caused us to leave later than we originally planned. We persisted though and made it to the Temple to do sealings. We even managed a last minute update to Martin Connelly's temple ordinance card. As Heavenly Father timed things out we got to the sealing office just as our friend Milt Turley was available to be our sealer. He was very patient with us and helped us to do all the names that Gram had prepared.

Grammie and Grandpa Mangum also joined us with sealing names of their own. In all, I tallied 43 ordinances that were performed for members of the two families. It was a Spiritual event, made possible by Heavenly Father and our persistence.

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