July 6, 2018

7/6/18 Temple Friday and Family Fun

This morning, Gram, Papa, Heidi and I did Endowments in the Gilbert Temple. It felt good to be back after missing last Friday for the reunion.

Heidi talked me into cutting her hair. She took this picture right before I cut one section too short. She still looks beautiful, of course, and she did what she could to fix it, but I still feel badly about it. 

This evening we had some family music time. Rebecca and David are strumming along while Peter listens.

Sarah joins me with her pink ukulele.

This evening Heidi and I framed some of Papa's Book of Mormon artwork. One of the frames broke in the mail so we'll have to wait for the replacement glass to do that one. It'll be nice once they are ready to hang up.

1 comment:

  1. Great to be in a family that leads a life balanced by work, fun, music, laughter and spiritual nourishment
