July 17, 2018

7/17/18 Gram Playlists

     Today is the day of the week that Heidi and I do Tech Support for Gram and Papa. This week Gram is in preparation mode for her dental surgery next Monday. This is bringing her much anxiety. To help alleviate some of this stress she struck on the idea of creating multiple fun playlists of music to listen to during the dental visit. There were some technical hurdles to clear to help this dream become reality.
     The first part though, was for Gram to pick from her collection which songs she wanted. This was a difficult task in itself. Then we had to figure out how to get the music onto her phone. This was a challenge because her computer and her phone are not the same generation and did not want to talk to each other. We got around this by putting her playlists onto our iMac and syncing to the phone from there. Papa also authorized the purchase of 10 songs which they discovered were not in the library but that Gram very much wanted to have in her playlists.
     In the end, Gram seemed very happy. I heard her playing her playlists for several hours after we were done. It was a task that seemed more complicated than it should have been but our hard work was rewarded. It feels good to be a help to Gram.

1 comment:

  1. This very difficult process is a special example of your selfless service. Your solution was no doubt inspired. She feels very comforted. She’s in surgery at this moment and they allowed her to play her nano w ear buds
