October 3, 2007

Afternoon at the Park

Both kids love chasing and racing each other. I find that David and Rebecca are the most expressive and free with their emotions when they get to enjoy the grand outdoors. The park is great because they burn off some energy without burning me out at the same time.

David and Rebecca had fun in the tunnel, but wouldn't both stick their faces through the holes at the same time. The joys of having children with strong personalities

Rebecca loved having David help her cross the bridge, even though she fell a few times when she couldn't keep up.


  1. It reminds me of recess at Preschool. It is nice to let the 3 and 4 year olds burn off some energy.

  2. how fun, i like the picture of both of them on the slide. My kids love going to the park, swings and the slide are the top favs. i'm sure will go again before it frezzes here.
