October 12, 2007

Swinging Solutions

When we moved in to our house, our friends left us their swing that hooks to the old clothes line poles. Rebecca has always loved it. Only a few months ago did David finally decide he liked it. Unfortunately, they both want to swing at the same time. Sometimes I can convince David to help push Rebecca, but he still struggles with not pushing her into the pole. Finally, Ganon came up with the brilliant solution of making a swing for David out of rope. He really enjoys it (even though I wouldn't recommend it to an adult-- it's highly uncomfortable). Anyhow, here are a few pitures of the two of them.


  1. so yeah, davids swing looks a little like it would hurt my bumb!

  2. My suggestion for making the swing more comfy, is to take a small piece of board and put one hole on each of the short ends of the board. Then you would thread your rope down one hole, underneath the bottom and up the other hole. That would give you a seat that doesn't come off. If you sanded the board and painted it, it would make it more weather resistant.

  3. My children loved to swing on the swings we had in our backyard. We had a tire swing and also a swing that was made of rope and a stick. The rope was tied in the middle of the stick. Looks like David is working on being flexible.

  4. I love the action shot of David pushing Rebecca. It is difficult to freeze the action on a shot of this kind. Good job!
    Kelly's idea sounds like a good one. I think Cathy is talking about the swing that the kids would stand on rather than sit on.
