October 16, 2007

Fall at our House

I took the kids to the park yesterday and David insisted on getting out of the stroller on the way home to play in the leaves. He and Rebecca had so much fun running through them. David also mostly buried his sister, which she tolerated. When we got home, they decided to help me rake up some of the leaves at our house. It was a wonderful Fall afternoon.


  1. Wonderful Fall memories with these terrific children (taken with the new camera? Very nice!)

  2. Gramma is very impressed with how the new cam froze the falling leaves

  3. Great pictures!!! I love the colors of the leaves at this time. It really makes for wonderful pictures.

  4. Looks like lots of fun. Love the fall leaves. Hawaii doesn't have the pretty fall colors .

  5. Isn't it wonderful to see our little ones having fun together and know that they are current pictures. I love them. Keep em comin!!!

  6. Your pictures are so cute! What adorable kids. I love seeing happy families!!!
