November 11, 2015

11/10/15 Colds visit the Connelly house

This morning multiple people woke up with fevers and generally not feeling too well. Heidi, Peter, David and I all at the same time. It slowed us down for sure. The good news is that Megan is back at work and Michael is working too. The new to-do list helps us keep track of what goes on much better than the old system. It's not a perfect system but I do like it. For part of the day we got a visit from the Roche kids. Bradley is sick too. Heather has to travel again for work. Tomorrow Doug has to travel as well so we'll get to visit with the kids even more tomorrow. Happily, they are very well behaved kids so they are no extra trouble. They even help entertain our kids so they don't get bored. This evening we watched Remember the Titans. It's about a football team just after integration happened in the South. I can't imagine how tough that must have been. It's sad that many places still struggle with learning to love each other. We've continued playing the "Compliment Game" with the kids each night. Mostly Heidi and I say something nice or good that we saw each child do today. It can be challenging sometimes but only because it means I have to pay closer attention. The kids are doing good things every day. Noticing them helps them to realize that they are doing good things and it helps me, and them to feel good about those things. We offer the kids the chance to compliment someone as well. They are still learning to observe and remember good things. Hopefully, this will create good habits that will help them to get along better with the people they meet.

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