November 7, 2015

A Longer Visit to Gram and Papa's

This morning early Heidi headed to Cub Scout leadership training. It was an all day deal meaning she didn't get home until 5 pm. Peter has been fussy frequently lately so I was nervous about how he would do without his Mommy. The rest of us ate breakfast and watched the latest episode of Studio C. After that it was time to visit Gram and Papa. The first thing we did was watch the Pixar movie Inside Out. It continues to be a charmer of a film. It held all of our children's attention very well. Even Peter seemed to be entertained by it. Gram and Rebecca Noelani and I teamed up to make grilled cheese sandwiches for lunch. Gram and Papa couldn't believe how hungry the children were. We stayed a bit after lunch and let the kids watch Phineas and Ferb for a while. I sure appreciate Gram and Papa helping me Peter started to be more fussy in the afternoon. Next stop, I took the kids to the fruit store. David stayed with sleeping Peter in the van. The other 4 kids were all very well behaved for me in the store. Rebecca and Sarah even helped pick out oranges and clementines. So helpful. Love it. After Heidi got home it was time for a quick dinner and then off to the Stake Center and finish media preparation. Trevin came and helped and Mike lead the charge at the Adobe Building. Ryan set up Des Moines early and was already ready to go. As usual there were some minor technical glitches to work through. We should be ready now. It's always good to pray over the technology. Heavenly Father can surely help with a smoother broadcast.

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