August 15, 2016

8/15/16 Give it Your Best?

    I've been thinking about a common question "did you do your best?" It usually comes up when your results are less than you hoped for. For me this is sometimes a tough question to answer. Sometimes I fail at things I've succeeded at before. Certainly i didn't fail on purpose but was it my best effort? How do you measure that?
     Here are some things I thought about today. (Maybe, in the comments, you can suggest others). Did I keep a positive attitude? It's hard to do your best if you're not hopeful that things will work out. Did I learn from people who are smarter than me? We tell our kids they didn't really do their best if they didn't ask for help. How can I hold myself to a lower standard? Still, it can be hard admitting that there I things I don't know. Especially tough when I think I should know them by now. Did I work when it was time to work and play when it was time to play? In other words was I mentally present in the task at hand? If not it was likely not my best. The last thing I came up with this morning was, did I evaluate my results and look for what could be done better? If I don't then tomorrow's best will never be better than today's. In that sense it won't truly be my best. Of course I'm sure there are many other things. I count prayer with the "ask for help from Smarter people" item. Heavenly Father knows all things and can help us through any challenge. 
       Today was a good day. The kids went to school. Heidi and I got some work done. For FHE we had an age appropriate lesson on chastity. We hope our kids will be able to talk to us when they have questions or concerns. 
      We found our digital tuner today. As long as I sat by the TV holding the antenna we were able to watch the Olympics. We'd almost forgotten about how many commercials are on tv these days. It was like 3 minutes of racing then 5 minutes of commercials. Still, it was neat to see these people who had trained so hard get to compete on the world stage. It was pretty exciting. Fun to be able to watch for a few minutes. 

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