August 28, 2016

8/28/16 David's First Talk

      Today David gave his first talk in Sacrament meeting. He reported feeling even more shaky after he sat down than while giving his talk. You wouldn't have known he was nervous watching him though. He smiled and looked up. He spoke clearly. At least six different people stopped me to tell me how impressed they were. Perhaps the best part is that he wrote his talk himself. 
      So, for posterity, here is the text of David's talk:

                         !LOOK UP! 
Topic: how does going to the temple help me and others be closer to heavenly father.

      Good morning Brothers and sisters, my name Is David Connelly and I was asked to speak on how going to the temple will help strengthen my relationship with Our Heavenly father. I belive that through our Heavenly father's plan we can return to his presence.

      Thomas S. Monson said "To you who are worthy and able to attend the temple, I would admonish you to go often. The temple is a place where we can find peace. There we receive a renewed dedication to the gospel and strengthened resolve to keep the commandments."

         When I first went to the temple to do Baptisim's for the dead, I got lost. I went there with my parents, my Grandpa, my cousins Lauren and Anthony, and my friend Lincoln. Since it was my first time in the Gilbert Temple since the Open House I wasn't sure where to go once I was dressed.  I looked through a few different doors and started feeling overwhelmed. Then, my dad found me.  I was so relieved to see him!  It turns out I wasn't lost at all. I was exactly where I was supposed to be.  My dad led me to the room that overlooks the baptismal font.  While I was there my family and Lincoln helped reassure me that it actually was the right place. I think of this experience and how it is a lot like life.  Sometimes we feel overwhelmed and aren't sure which way to go, but, because of the blessings of the temple we can have our family there to show us the way.  We can learn from our ancestors as well as our current family.  The temple is a good place to learn from our ancestors and from the Holy Ghost. 

        As we left the Gilbert temple I could feel the spirit very strongly and you seniors in primary will experience this in the years to come. Hopefully you won't get lost like I did but I can promise you that you will be able to feel the spirit.  Throughout our lives we have many opportunities to strengthen our relationship with our Heavenly Father.  We can do this through scripture study, attending church, prayer, and Attending the Temple regularly.

       In D&C 127 Verse 4 it reads "And again, verily thus saith the Lord: Let the work of my temple, and all the works which I have appointed unto you, be continued on and not cease; and let your diligence, and your perseverance, and patience, and your works be redoubled, and you shall in nowise lose your reward, saith the Lord of Hosts.  And if they persecute you, so persecuted they the prophets and righteous men that were before you.  For all this there is reward in heaven."

       I like this scripture because it means Don't Give Up and to go to the Temple even when it is hard and that if you do you will be blessed in Heaven. I invite all of you, that are old enough, to go and visit the temple this month or next month. I know that by visiting the temple we will grow closer to our heavenly father.

       In the name of Jesus Christ amen.

     Way to go David! Your mom and I are proud of you. This evening was youth standards night. David and Heidi and I got to go. David helped with the lights while I ran the videos and power points. There were some great talks about making good choices and repenting when we make mistakes. Rebecca did a masterful job of holding down the fort while we were gone. 

1 comment:

  1. Very impressive talk for a 12 yr old‼️ Consider submitting it to New Era
