April 26, 2018

4/24/18 Emerald Acres Pinewood Derby

Today was TJ's chance to race his car with the boys in the ward. 

There were many fast, and cool looking cars in the race.

TJ was assigned the number 1 racing position.

Bishop Schnepf was the race judge deciding the winner of each race.

The leaders also called this event the Blue and Gold Banquet. Grammie and Grandpa Mangum and Gram and Papa Connelly were all able to cheer TJ on. The food provided a welcome distraction for racers who were waiting for their turn. Caleb Hinton and I were asked to fill out the winner board and keep track of who was racing next. It was complicated.

TJ's car was given the award for best workmanship. The best part for me is TJ's big smile.

1 comment:

  1. Once again many kind volunteers provide Pinewood Derby fun for boys. TJs smile shows how happy he is about the chance to run the car fashioned by him and his Dad
