Today Gram came over (with Papa and Becca B) for the first official Gram Connelly Preschool with Joseph. I had to finish a CPE class on budget issues so I couldn't be in the room. Initial reports are that things went well. Joseph is high energy and not afraid to share his opinions. He is also a very sweet boy who can be a big helper when he has the chance.
I also got some work done training an employee on pivot tables in excel. This evening Heidi taught kids part of how to make quilts. David had a class for the Citizenship merit badge. Heidi, very patiently, worked with him so that he made progress on it. He's not quite done but he's close.
Gramma enjoys teaching one on one. She' says working with Joeseph was "different than TJ but fine " She reports "Joseph didn't want to row the boat but he did want one of the oars" she plans to develop lesson plans for this strong willed boy. (Reference my blog "It's a Leaf!")