The second grade does a patriotic program for the parents every year.
Sarah got to have one of the speaking parts. She spoke very clearly and calmly. Heidi and I got to go and show support. It was fun to see several other members of our ward there as well. Earlier they did a tribute to our Nations veterans. It feels like we have a connection to many veterans. My Grandfather served. So did Heidi's Father and two of her brothers and a brother in law. One of her brothers, Christopher is still serving. Also Arnie Hammari is serving. That's not counting the many many wonderful saints we met living in Kailua. Heidi's Mom and Dad got to come today and show support as well. We are surely grateful for the sacrifice that these brave souls make to protect our freedom. Freedom is not free. It comes at the cost of careful vigilance. We also must take care not to let sin become our master because we lose freedom there although we may live in a free country.
We also had the privilege of having the missionaries over for diner. That is one small service that is a blessing to give. After the missionaries left I was able to make a quick run to the temple to do initiatory. It was a good, busy day.
Your observations on freedom are spot on‼️Proud of Sarah Mei