The latest Pixar movie is out this week. It is called The Good Dinosaur. Gram and Papa invited us to go with them to see the movie. The kids seemed to enjoy the movie. Sarah was so scared though she had to sit on my lap for half the movie. Still, she said to me after it ended that she couldn't wait for it to come out on DVD so she could watch it again. After the movie Papa said rightly that it is a drama, not a comedy. There are cute and funny moments. However, the young dinosaur spends much of the movie in peril and there is tragedy as well. Overcoming these two things is a theme of the film. Peter did not sit still for the whole movie but he did let Heidi stay in the room. That is a first for him. So we can say that was our best theater experience since Peter was born over a year ago.
After the movie we ate lunch at Gram and Papa's house. David asked Gram if her scooter needed to be driven to keep the battery from dying. He always wants to do his part to help with this. The kids can get impatient waiting for their turn to ride. The photo above shows the solution they came up with. So far as I know no one taught them how to fit 6 kids on one scooter. They sure love to be together.
We are all grateful for this wonderful outing with Gram, Papa and Becca B.
This evening we got another fun treat. Heather brought her three kids over to roast marshmallows and hang out. Heidi started a 1 match fire. I was impressed. Later on though I was given the task of supervising the fire. After most of he kids had gone inside Sarah stayed out and asked me questions about how to keep a fire going. Bradley also came out and gave me an update on his life. He too enjoyed tending the fire. Today has been a busy and fun day.
I almost forgot to mention the Good Samaritan Heavenly Father sent our way. Around 8 this morning Heidi and Peter and I were going to install two new computers in the stake when our battery wouldn't start. We called our home teachers, and they would have come, but a kind man saw our plight and stopped to give us a jump start. That helped us get on our way. I am grateful for kind souls willing to take time to lend a helping hand.
Always great to spend quality time with Heidi and Ganon's family. It was Supa fun to go to theater with them. We went to to first showing and entered the empty showing room. The boys quickly turned it into a playground running up and down the stairs. Peter tried his best to follow after bounding away David. I posted some notes on the movie on my blog. Afterwards at our casa we had quiet adventures with the keikis . Peter, very kinetic, loves to toddle at top speed along our lane (followed by Dad or assigned sibling). Gramma's TV is a grandchild tractor beam. Many of them cycled in and out of her room, including Joseph, who came back as the family was about to leave to thank Gramma. Yes we're talking about Joseph. There may be a relationship developing here. And of course there is the scooter. David, bursting at the seams trying to bridle his desire to drive Gramma's scooter, asked politely then leaped thru all the loops needed to make it happen. As shown it the pic, we hold the park record for the most grandkids to ride on a scooter at the same time, I'm pretty confident. Good news Peter didn't fall off the porch. And let's not forget Sarah took a few moments to sit across from Grampa and have a quiet conversation,