November 26, 2015

11/25/15 Turkey Trot

    The day before Thanksgiving Entz Elementary holds its annual Turkey Trot. Heidi was able to see all four of our trotters run this year. She even ran with two of them for at least part of the way. The kids in each grade take a turn chasing an older kid dressed as a turkey around the school. 

The first picture shows Rebecca at the end of her run. Here is Sarah. 

    Here is David, finishing strong. 

     Heidi reports that TJ jogged the whole way around the school without stopping. 

    Joseph and Peter played on the playground while the big kids ran. 

1 comment:

  1. Supa fun tradition for this elementary school. Heathy way for these kids to use up the day-before-a-holiday energy. Glad to see all four grandkids trotted after the turkey
