April 17, 2016

4/17/16 Stake Conference Sunday

     Today the prep for the conference broadcast continued to be challenging. However, once the event started things seemed to smooth out. Jae, one of the other stake techs, commented that it was as though Satan was trying hard to thwart the broadcast. In the end Heavenly Father guided us to success. He showed me another webcast tool through the Red Mountain Stake. If we had not used it there would have been no broadcast today. At best we would've had an audio only feed. The church's own webcast tool did not work for us at all today. If we hadn't had a backup plan we would've been out of luck. It helped as well that we had a solid team who put in countless hours of prep time. By myself I put in 30 hours this week and there were 7 other people who worked on the broadcast. It was the toughest conference I've done yet. The result is that people watched conference and did not notice the broadcast. It makes me so happy. That is our goal, to help people focus on the message not the technology. We've been trying for that for years and we finally hit it for the members. I hope we didn't cause the stake presidency undue concern. With all our tech challenges they may have worried. I am so grateful that things worked out. Mark Davey, another tech team member, pointed out that we have a pretty fragile system. Parts of that system we have no control over. Anyhow, glad we made it through. 
      Heidi was my hero through all of this. She took care of the kiddos while I waded through one tech challenge after another. I could not have done what I did without her help both with the kids and with the tech. 
     Here are some pictures she took of the kids yesterday. 

    Some fun adventures. I'll have to catch them next time. 


  1. Sorry you had tech headaches. We remember! But glad you and Heavenly Father prevailed. Fun Keiki pics

  2. There was a "Celebrate Mesa" activity down town. They had animals you could drive, a little train ride, police motorcycles, the police helicopter, lots of booths about pool safety, car safety, museums, summer activities, and bouncy houses. The kids loved it! I took David's friend Lincoln with too, but no one ever said anything about having my hands full- I call that a success. And we managed to leave before anyone was crying. :) Heavenly Father was watching over us as well.
