After the Motorhome our family went on a fun outing with my Gram, Papa and Becca B to see Zootopia. I was surprised by how fun and also how nuanced it was. It felt more thoughtful than the usual "underdog tries really really hard and succeeds despite all odds" story. In this case she needed help to succeed and she found it. Plus the animation was amazing. Just the creativity of the design of the city with its 12 ecosystems in one was a sight to behold. Better still, it held the kid's attention. Heidi and I got to watch the whole movie and not make 14 potty stops. In our house that's a sure sign of a successful movie outing.
In the afternoon I was involved in preparing for the stake conference broadcast next week. The complexity is higher and that showed in our test. We also have untrained team members and that added some time. By 9:30 pm we had packed up and gone home but we did not have time to test it all. I just felt we needed to let people get back to their families. So more testing will be needed.
No one can accuse your family of wasting your days‼️