April 6, 2016

4/5/16 Teaching Day

      Today was the first time I took away a citizenship point from someone for talking in class. It was lame but it did allow us to make it through the lesson. I had one kid come for help after school and one call with a mom about her son. It felt good to be able to help them out. Only about half my students turned in the homework today. It took me awhile to master the material to teach it so I'm sure it's challenging for them. I'm not sure why more people don't come in for help. I just remembered that another student came in the morning so that makes 2 asking for help. Alma is one of my "A" students and his proactive attitude is why he has an "A". I wish more of my students were like that. I have to remind myself that being proactive is a learned skill. It has taken me a while to learn it and it is a skill that I continue to work at. There are things that I procrastinate because they are hard for me. Perhaps it is time to learn to teach time management skills. 

1 comment:

  1. Good news--this unique challenge has allowed you discover things about yourself
