First of all I mentioned that David made a nice sign for his Mom and me. Here it is. David is becoming more thoughtful all the time. He must get it from his mother ;)
As I was snapping that last shot Peter came up and said "cheese". That's a new word for him. Joseph needed to be in on the action as well.
Here is David at his concert. He is the first Trombone player from his school to be accepted to the Mesa Honor Band. What a neat honor!
Sadly Sarah was sick today so I stayed home with her and Peter and Joseph. Heidi kindly took pictures. Here are some of David's biggest fans, Rebecca, Lauren and TJ. His Mom and I are his biggest fans. Grammie and Grandpa Mangum were also able to make it out. Heidi reports that the band sounded great and it brought a little tear to her eye. She remembered fondly her days in band.
Hooray David‼️‼️