This morning I got to be at the stake center at 5:45 am to set up the projector for Stake Priesthood Leadership meeting. While it definitely could have been worse it was one of those humbling tech days. The projector randomly went to black a few times while Bob Rhyne and I were testing the setup so we swapped out the cable. We couldn't get the problem to happen again after that so we thought we had found the culprit. Turns out that was not the case. It went to black several times during President Cowan's presentation. Awkward. Still no clear picture of what went wrong. Only that the cable does not appear to have been the issue. I hope it's not the projector. That would not be an inexpensive fix.
After the leadership meeting it was time for regular church meetings. We have a brand new elder in our ward, Elder Macbeth. No he has not read the play, odd I thought. His companion had to go to a meeting nearby and asked me to keep an eye on him. I showed him how to set up the wireless mic system for Sunday School. It never hurts to have another trained person. During Primary Heidi and I got to teach the 7 year old class. They were very well behaved. You can tell they have solid regular teachers.
In the afternoon David kindly subbed in for my home teaching companion so that we could go and visit with the Reed family. They are 2 of Peter's nursery leaders. All of their kids are grown. He works at a dairy and she sells computer software that allows parents to see their kids grades in real time.
After all that we got a chance for some, hopefully, well deserved rest.
One story that I forgot to include, but feel impressed to write, happened while I was showing Elder Macbeth how to set up the microphone system before sacrament meeting. As we were setting up there is a wired mic that we sometimes use for Sunday School and sometimes for baby blessings. I confirmed that we did not need it for Sunday School today and it was not Fast Sunday when baby blessings typically happen. I was going to skip setting that mic up but I felt twice that we needed it. So we went back to the library and found the mic and cable and set them up. During sacrament meeting I got called out to tend a screaming Peter. When things calmed down and I came back there was a baby blessing going on. Had I not decided to follow that prompting there would have been a problem come blessing time and I wouldn't have even been in the room to help fix it. I am so grateful for tender mercies that bless our lives even in the seemingly small things.