June 23, 2016

6/22/16 Skate Land

     Recently Heidi found a pair of skates in her size at Goodwill on half price day. She is a treasure hunter. On Wednesdays the local skate rink has free admission. You only have to pay if you need to rent skates. Now that I'm the only potential skater without my own skates the deal becomes pretty reasonable. The picture above is of Peter at Skateland. Heidi is in the background. He and I had some good bonding time this evening. Peter is not quite ready for the rink. He and Joseph helped me practice what to do when 2 children dart in opposite directions. The good news is that nobody was long out of site. We had a few nervous moments but we all made it home more than safe. I do think it will be a while before we try Skateland again. 
     Also, I was impressed that Heidi made it to the 5:30 am session at the Temple. She even stayed awake. For a gal who routinely has her sleep interrupted that's pretty impressive. 

1 comment:

  1. Skate story pretty funny. Next temple visit please put Mom on prayer list. Knees not happy
