June 17, 2016

6/17/16 Workshop Day 3 Plus a Tree

     This morning early the kids and I headed over to Gram and Papa's to do
Some watering. Sadly we realized that we had neglected to water the house plant. We brought it home so we can better care for it. We're not sure if it will make it or not but we'll do our best. 

     Today was post production day at our three day workshop. Fitting all the editing, sound effects and music for 2 groups in 4 hours took some serious focus. We surely could have spent many more hours fine tuning but we're ready to show the parents tomorrow. 
     This evening David and I went to Samuel Phelps' Eagle court of Honor. He's a good kid. We're proud of his accomplishment. 

1 comment:

  1. Love to see our little gardeners behind the thriving tree. Thanks for taking the plant home for tic.
