Today was the first day of swim lessons for the 4 youngest children Sarah, TJ, Joseph and Peter. This was Peter's first ever lesson in his life. When I asked Heidi how it went she reported that Peter "didn't cry the whole time". By which she meant "there were moments in there when he wasn't crying". The other kids reported having had a good time. Sarah though, when pressed by her mother, confessed that back stroke and free style are not her favorite. The kids were rewarded for good behavior in the pool with free play time at the neighborhood pool.
This morning I created a flyer for the workshop that I plan to put on later this week. The goal for our first outing is to simply try out our proposed model and see how well it works. This workshop will consist of Connelly kids plus a few selected neighbor kids. It should be fun but I expect it will be bumpy at first (at least until we work the kinks out).
Looking forward to your flyer and workshop reports