June 16, 2016

6/15/16 Temple, Workshop, Party

     This morning it was my turn to visit the temple. I snapped the picture on my way back to the car. It is important to serve even when it takes sacrifice to do so. Today was a busy day. 

     Today was my first crack at trying to run an animation workshop since Kalaheo Communication Arts. Above are the clay shoes the kids made. It was fun although the four hour block we chose may be a little long for kid's attention spans. We'll post some of the videos later so you can see how they turn out. 

The highlight for the kids today had to be Anthony Andelt's birthday party. Above is his younger brother Donovan. I didn't end up with a picture of the birthday boy. 

David took to finding glow sticks on the bottom. 

     Rebecca enjoyed the game as well. 

     Here is Sarah with a big smile. 

     TJ got into the game. 

     Even Joseph reached a floating one. 

     Peter preferred to be one of the ones throwing things into the pool. Here he is with his lovely assistant Heidi. I think it was a fun time for all. 

1 comment:

  1. Clay shoes brought a flood of memories. Animation is the sugar that helps the medicine of education go down. Great pool pix of grandkids who have had swimming lessons. Proud of your Temple service
