September 2, 2016

9/1/16 Humanitarian and PIE Night

       This morning I dropped Heidi, Joseph and Peter at Humanitarian. Three year old Amy Hallsted came along as well so her Mom could visit the temple. I rode my bike to the Adobe building and worked on setting static IP addresses. We're hoping that will make the Val Vista clerk printer show up consistently on the network. So far it's not working so it's back to the drawing board there. 
      Last night and tonight Heidi went to Parent Information Evening (PIE Night) for Rebecca, Sarah and TJ. Rebecca's teacher says that she loves having Rebecca in her class and that she is super smart. 
     I worked on a flyer for work. We're thinking about advertising in the neighborhood. We'd like to pick up a couple more bookkeeping clients. 
     This evening Heidi went to Roundtable. She's got a lot going on preparing for Cub Scout day camp later this month. 

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