On Sunday Grandpa Mangum gave us a watermelon that he grew in his garden. He reports that the seed was actually planted when the kids were visiting. We ate watermelon in the backyard and spit some off the seeds in the rocks. A watermelon plant started growing. Credit goes to Grandpa Mangum for recognizing the plant and successfully transplanting it to his garden. We ate it with dinner and enjoyed it. Sarah was happy to hold the watermelon for the picture so that you can get a sense of how big it was. Thank you Grandpa.
This morning Heidi went to the Temple. The Joseph and Peter and I walked down to the grassy field. They love running around together. We also helped Joseph practice riding his bike. The Hallsted family recently gave us a set of training wheels that fit Joseph's little bike. He's working on learning to pedal and steer at the same time. He made
satisfying progress before he decided to switch back to running mode. He'll get there in time.
This evening I went to a meeting with Bob Rhyne and Jae Heiner. Stake Conference is less than a month away. Exciting times are on the horizon.
Sarah smiling holding the watermelon is a classic. Loved boyz running around