September 9, 2016

9/8/16 GTP Parent Night plus Gram's Corn Dogs

     Tonight was Parent night for the Gifted and Talented Program (GTP). Sarah and Rebecca are both in it this year. Above is Sarah's self caricature that she made. 

     Here is Rebecca's drawing of herself. 

      To qualify for the program kids need to test into the 97th percentile in Verbal, Quantitative or Nonverbal categories. At GTP they practice creative thinking skills. They also learn things not covered in regular classes like computer programming and robotics. David may get to help with the robotics unit since he was in the program last year. They administer the test at the end of Second grade so it'll be a while before we know if TJ will be in the program. 

    Tonight for dinner we had Gram's recipe corn dogs. The kids consider it a special treat. 

    David set the table. "It's a smiley face!" He declared. 

    Look at those smiley faces. 

     This morning Heidi helped at Humanitarian while I trouble shot a printer issue. 
     Work had a tech issue, our version of Microsoft Access stopped working suddenly. After ages with tech support we ended up buying another copy. On the bright side though we completed a milestone on one of our big database projects. It's good to see all that work finally closing in on a finished product. 

1 comment:

  1. This blog brought smiles--1) Moms Mom I think said this first "It doesn't cost any more to feed a bright child" Go GTA‼️ 2) Kelly treated us from a local food truck advertising "The Worlds Best Corndogs". Short story--they weren't . Looking forward to having some of Gramma's recipe
