September 2, 2016

9/2/16 New Glasses and Temple Baptisms

      Today Rebecca wore her new glasses to school. She has an astigmatism in one eye. Her other eye sees pretty well. So far she is not a fan of her glasses. The doctor says it will take a couple of days wearing them for her eyes to adjust to them. When she came home she wasn't wearing them but at least they weren't lost. We'll keep working with her. 

     Yesterday Heidi remembered that her parents had wanted to do Baptisms for the Dead today. Heidi reminded her folks and they still wanted to. We hastily updated plans to make it work. Heidi, her mom and the two little boys went and watered the tree at Gram and Papa's. Grandpa Mangum, Anthony, David and I went to the Gilbert Temple and did Baptisms. Grandpa Mangum brought about 35 family names that we did the work for. It felt like a peaceful connection to our ancestors to be able to serve them this way. 
      After finishing up at the temple we met the others at Costco. We picked up some groceries and Grandpa treated us to some ice cream. 
     This afternoon Heidi worked on payroll stuff while I took a class on tax issues for dividends, redemptions and liquidations. It was a relief to have two more credits in the bag. Just 29 more to go. Oh and Heidi also fixed Heather's washing machine. She never seems to run out of amazing abilities. 

1 comment:

  1. Rebecca your glasses are beautiful. But more importantly good eyesight is to be treasured, especially for a lady who loves to read
