This evening Heidi suggested that we combine a requirement David has for Scouting and Family Home Evening. The Scouting organization has put out several videos about Internet safety aimed at kids. They are well done and teach some basic things like don't give out your address or phone number unless a trusted adult says it's ok. The videos teach kids never to meet with someone they meet online and tell one of us if they see things that make them scared or uncomfortable. So far only David has an email address and none do social media. Still, we watch YouTube videos online and you have to be careful. Many of the suggested videos are questionable if not inappropriate. We reminded the kids not to be using devices behind closed doors. We feel that we'll all be safer that way. The kids seemed to respond well to the videos. Hopefully this lesson will help us enjoy the educational and uplifting parts of the Net and avoid the scary parts.
Very important lesson for parents raising children during these scary days